When working at h2-works, I got the oppurtunity to renew their recruitment page. I also designed the new company site but it is still in the pipeline at current date and still awaits release. As head of design I became a part of a small team consisting of a project manager, the general affairs responsible and two other whith great knowlege of the company.
The website were to be scalable with a focus on mobile.

I made a lot of research on recruit pages and company sites as well as to talk to people what attracts them when looking for their future company. We came up with three focus points.
- The Company
- The People
- The Application
Each part were further explored and further divided into sub pages, but we kept it to a minimum to be able to give a clear message and accessable information.
In addition to UX I also took most of the pictures and made the illustrations.
Tools – Adobe XD